How to Treat Neuromas and Heel Pain

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How to Treat Neuromas and Heel Pain

Don’t let severe or chronic foot pain affect your daily life.neuromas, heel pain

Foot pain can happen for a number of reasons, from a sports-related injury to the development of a chronic condition like arthritis. When foot pain arises it’s important that you have our podiatrist Dr. Corinne Kauderer at Dyker Heights Advanced Foot and Wellness Center in Brooklyn, NY by your side to make sure your feet get the care they deserve. If you are dealing with plantar fasciitis-related heel pain or a neuroma (thickening of the tissue around the nerves between the toes), and aren’t seeing results from conservative, at-home care then we have other solutions.

Treating Heel Pain

Heel pain is one of the most common complaints our Dyker Heights podiatrist Dr. Kauderer sees and it’s often the result of overuse. These micro tears within the plantar fascia (tissue that runs along the soles of the feet) can lead to an inflammatory condition known as plantar fasciitis (the most common cause of heel pain).

Dr. Kauderer may recommend conservative treatments to manage symptoms, including stretching and rolling your foot on a tennis ball. There are some people who deal with severe or chronic forms of heel pain that don’t clear up these simple methods.

When this happens you’ll want to talk to us about whether extracorporeal pulse activation treatment (EPAT) is right for you. This non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment is designed to handle heel, muscular and tendon pain. This shockwave therapy works by stimulating the body’s natural healing response while also improving blood flow to the area.

Blood brings along essential and healing nutrients that the tissues need to thrive and regenerate. Furthermore, by stimulating the body’s natural healing response we can help the damaged tissue heal more effectively.

This painless procedure doesn’t require anesthesia and patients can return to their work and daily routine in about one to two days after treatment. You’ll come in for about three sessions about once a week to alleviate symptoms. You may require fewer or more sessions depending on the severity of your heel pain.

Treating Neuromas

Morton’s neuroma can cause serious and chronic foot pain. If the pain is persistent, doesn’t respond to at-home care and makes it difficult to stand or walk around then it’s time to talk to us about alcohol ablation treatment.

Ultrasound-guided alcohol ablation is an effective method for treating serious and painful neuromas. Local anesthesia is first administered to the area to numb the region prior to treatment. Then the ultrasound technology safely and accurately guides a very thin needle into the neuroma. The needle contains a high concentration of alcohol (ethanol) that is injected directly into the neuroma, which targets and eliminates pain often in just one or two sessions.

Our Dyker Heights podiatrist Dr. Kauderer at Dyker Heights Advanced Foot and Wellness Center in Brooklyn, NY, is dedicated to offering a full range of podiatric services. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

Office Hours


9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Both Doctors in Dyker Heights




9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Both Doctors in Dyker Heights


9:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Dentist Only in Dyker Heights


9:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Dentist Only in Dyker Heights

12:00 PM - 4:00 PM - NJ office - Dr. Kauderer Only.


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - NJ office - Dr. Kauderer Only.

